Saturday, 27 October 2007

Sneaky Photos

Here's some photo evidence of the Sneaky Critters exhibition.
Plus, extra photos here, where you can also use cash/money to buy art/pictures.

Detail from my tiniest canvas.

A bigger one.

Lots of great stuff. Julies canvas in the foreground.

People. Artwork. Beer. A winning combination.

Wednesday, 10 October 2007

Sneaky Critters Exhibition

Residents of London may care to note - I'm taking part in an exhibition on the 22nd. Woo. It's called Sneaky Critters, and it being curated by Ms Sneaky Racoon herself. So come down to the Bodhi Gallery on Brick Lane and say hello, and I'll say hello back and everyone will be happy.

Here's the official flyer:

Tuesday, 2 October 2007

Computer Arts - Inspirobook

The latest issue of Computer Arts (141) comes with a sumptious supplement, called The Book of Inspiration. Featuring "57 of the worlds greatest illustrators" an elite squadron of crayon-botherers that they've included me in. Good heavens.

Here it is pictured on my similarly sumptious carpeting: