Firstly, an image of mine has made it onto my favourite illustration Blog: Drawn which is nice. It's something I did a year or two ago, for a secret shadowy organisation of illustrators I belong to called Robotface, which decided amongst its members to put together a book of illustrated animals. I contributed a couple: Vampire Bat and Goat. I'd forgotten all about the project, but it seems you can now view it online, or buy a hard-copy (once a slight hiccup with the printer has been sorted out).
Here's my critters:

My personal favourites from the book are The Deer, The Ibis, The Nymph and The Squid. Good work shadowy-illustration-collective!
Also, while I'm here, the Orange Unlimited site I worked on a few months back seems to be picking up lots of attention in end-of-the-year best-of lists, Campaign put it in their top 10 pieces of digital creative work for the year, Contagious magazine has put it in their list of Most Contagious things of the year, and its one of the 12 finalists in the FWA website of the year - which you can vote on HERE!
Plus I've just started on the redesign of my main Rexbox site - it's going to be quite different soon...