I've finally put my website for Grip Wrench live. It's the animated series I made for MTV QOOB, featuring Hollywood hardman, Vietnam veteran and fearless patriot Grip Wrench. And basically gave me plenty of sleepless nights for a year and a half while I was trying to animate all 10 episodes on my own (whilst doing LittleBigPlanet at the same time). What a nutter.
Anyway, its probably best if you just go and have a look yourself, there's some iphone wallpapers too (which I think all promo websites have to have now by law..) desktop backgrounds and of course all 10 episodes are on there, although here's an embedded episode which is one of my favourites:
great video!. Loved al the arcade stuff you put in the video, and the mutti ship! respect for al the work you put into it.
Brilliant!! I've been waiting for the site to go up. Amazing work, very inspirational.
Dude! this is awesome!!!
A whole lotta work to do by yourself...
What do you use to animate?
I'm ignorant on this animation software stuff.
Great work! Officially a fan!
This is GREAT work! blown away.
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